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St Andrew's C.E. Primary School

Enriching Lives

Term Two

This term we begin with the theme of Dinosaurs before moving onto Christmas celebrations.  As always, we will use a variety of texts to support our learning in school.  Further details are included in the Knowledge Organiser below.  


Term Two is traditionally very busy in school especially in the run up to Christmas, please keep an eye on ParentMail for dates, times, event and so on.  If you are unable to access ParentMail please pop in and speak to the lovely office staff who will be happy to assist.


Thank you to all parents who have updated Tapestry, especially with any family celebrations.  Keep the updates coming, the children enjoy sharing their home lives with their classmates and it helps us to build a holistic view of children and all they achieve.


As ever, please name all items of clothing including hats, scarves and gloves.  


If you have any queries or concerns, please do come and speak to us and we thank you for your continuing support.