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St Andrew's C.E. Primary School

Enriching Lives

Y2 Key Objectives

Y2 Expected Outcomes

Y2 Greater Depth Outcomes

I can count forward and backward in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from 0, and make jumps in tens from any number.

I can count forward and backward confidently in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from 0, and make jumps in tens from any number.

I can order numbers up to 100 and tell you which numbers are bigger or smaller.

I can order numbers, money and different measurements up to 100 and tell you which numbers are bigger or smaller.

I use the greater than, less than and equals signs in maths and know what they mean.

I use the greater than, less than and equals signs in maths and know what they mean when comparing numbers, measures and money.

I solve problems using number facts such as 18+2=20 and what I know about the value of digits in a number.

I solve problems using number facts in different contexts such as 18cm+2cm=20cm and what I know about the value of digits in a number.

I answer addition and subtraction maths problems using objects or pictures to help me work it out.

I answer more difficult addition and subtraction maths problems using objects or pictures to help me work it out.

I can solve addition and subtraction problems and work out how I answer it on paper or show you how I did it in my head by explaining step by step.

I can solve addition and subtraction problems using money and measures, and work out how I answer it on paper or show you how I did it in my head by explaining step by step.

I answer problems with addition and subtraction using my number facts to 20 and other number facts up to 100.

I answer problems with addition and subtraction quickly, using my number facts to 20 and other number facts up to 100.

I know my 2 and 5 and 10 times tables by heart and can tell whether a number is odd or even.

I know my 2 and 5 and 10 times tables by heart, can recall the answer quickly and can tell whether a number is odd or even.

I can solve multiplication and division problems using times table facts and objects or pictures to help me.

I can solve multiplication and division problems in different subjects, using times table facts and objects or pictures to help me.

I can find 1/3 or 1/4 or 2/4 or 3/4 of a shape, length or set of objects.

I can solve practical problems by finding and writing 1/3 or 1/4 or 2/4 or 3/4 of a shape, length or set of objects.

I have solved money problems such as how much change do I get from 50p if I buy an apple for 35p?

I have solved more difficult money problems such as how much change do I get from £1.00 if I buy an apple for 37p?

I can compare 2-D and 3-D shapes with everyday objects around me.

I can compare and classify2-D and 3-D shapes with everyday objects around me based on their properties and can explain my choices.

I can describe my position, direction and movement, including describing turns as quarter, half and three-quarter turns in clockwise and anti-clockwise directions.

I can describe the position, direction and movement of any object, including describing turns as quarter, half and three-quarter turns in clockwise and anti-clockwise directions, without support.

I work on sorting objects and can answer questions about the groups of objects I have sorted.

I work on sorting objects and can answer questions about the groups of objects I have sorted to solve real-life problems.