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St Andrew's C.E. Primary School

Enriching Lives

Year 6 Reading Objectives

Y6 Expected Outcomes

Y6 Greater Depth Outcomes


  • I use the words and word parts that I can read and understand already to think about what new words mean and sound like.
  • I confidently use the words and word parts that I can read and understand already to think about what new words mean and sound like.


  • I can read increasingly challenging material quickly and accurately.
  • I can read increasingly challenging material independently, quickly and accurately.
  • I am able to prepare, read aloud and perform poems and plays, and use appropriate intonation, tone and volume to help the audience with their own understanding.
  • I am able to confidently prepare, read aloud and perform a range of poems and plays, and use appropriate intonation, tone and volume to help different audiences with their own understanding.


  • I continue to read and discuss an increasingly wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction and reference books as well as text books.
  • I continue to read, compare and evaluate an increasingly wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction and reference books as well as text books.
  • I understand what I read, even though books are set out in different ways and are written for different purposes.
  • I understand what I read, even though books are set out in different ways and are written for different purposes, comparing their styles.
  • I am becoming familiar with a wide range of books from our own literary heritage and also books from other cultures and traditions.
  • I can compare and understand the key features of myths, legends and traditional stories and modern fiction.
  • I have learnt a wider range of poems by heart.
  • I have learnt a wider range of poems by heart, comparing it with other poems I have learnt.
  • I can make comparisons within and across books I have read.
  • I can make detailed comparisons within and across books I have read.
  • I check my understanding of books I have read through discussion and exploring the meaning of words.
  • I check my understanding of books I have read through discussion, comparing it with other books I have read and exploring the meaning of words.
  • I show my understanding of what I have read by drawing inferences from within the text and justifying them with evidence.
  • I show my understanding of what I have read by drawing inferences from within the text and justifying them with a range of quality evidence.
  • From my reading, I can predict what may happen in a story from details given and suggested in the text.
  • From my reading, I can accurately predict what may happen in a story from details given and suggested in the text.
  • I am able to identify key details and ideas in texts by summarising a given number of paragraphs I have read.
  • I am able to identify key details and ideas in texts by summarising a given number of paragraphs I have read independently.
  • I can show how language, structure and presentation all contribute to meaning in texts I read.
  • I can evaluate how language, structure and presentation all contribute to meaning in texts I read.
  • I know authors use particular language which will have impact on me, the reader.
  • know authors use particular language which will have impact on me, the reader and suggest possible improvements.
  • I can retrieve, record and present information from non-fiction.
  • I can independently retrieve, record and present information from non-fiction with clarity.
  • I participate in discussions about books I have read, or those that have been read to me by listening to others' ideas and at times challenging views courteously if they differ from my own.
  • I participate in detailed discussions about books I have read, or those that have been read to me by listening to others' ideas, sharing my own carefully formulated opinions and at times challenging views courteously if they differ from my own.
  • I am able to justify my views.
  • I am able to justify my views in greater detail.