5. Who will support my child in school?
Who? | How and why? |
Class teacher
| Class teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the children in their class, including where children access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff. Class teachers adapt their teaching and provision to overcome any barriers to learning and make changes to ensure full accessibility to the curriculum. They set individual targets based on your child’s needs. |
Additional Needs Leader (Mrs Sue Haskins) | Manages and monitors the effectiveness of intervention work through the use of provision mapping. May complete referrals to outside agencies. Will lead review meetings and complete relevant paperwork. |
Teaching Assistants (in class) | Day to day support within the classroom (maybe 1:1 or in a small group) May provide additional intervention work. |
Additional Needs Teaching Assistants
| May provide in or out of class support for reading, writing, spelling, structured programmes, basic maths skills either through 1:1 or small group work. |
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) | Leads personal, social and emotional intervention work on a 1:1 or small group (focuses on managing anxiety, recognising and managing emotions, social skills, behaviour) |
Midday supervisors | May provide support for developing personal, social and emotional needs of your child through playground games, initiating play opportunities. |
SEND Governor | Overseeing the provision for SEN |
Outside agencies | Please refer to section to 7 for detailed list May complete assessments or observations to support with further details regarding your child’s needs. Will support with target setting Will be involved in review process and deciding next steps |
Reading Club Volunteers | Provide 1:1 support with reading |