Sports Premium
The PE and Sport Premium was set up in 2013 to improve the provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding, provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, is being allocated to primary schools based on the number of children in Years 1-6. Schools with 17 or more eligible pupils will receive £8000 and an additional payment of £5 per head. The funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.The success of the PE and sport premium has led the government to extend their pledge and provide additional funding until 2020.
St Andrew's has developed a strong sporting tradition for both participation and success on the sporting field. We encourage our children to experience a wide range of sports supported by specialist teachers. This includes sports such as fencing, tennis and hockey, in additional to more recognised primary sports such as swimming, netball, football and tag rugby.
Our vision for physical education, is not only for our teams to compete and achieve well, but also more importantly for all our children to participate and develop the skills to enjoy a range of sports.
“I’m really excited to be going on the minibus to play volleyball in the sports hall”............ Y3 Boy
“It’s fun learning to play new sports”. Change4Life Festival............ Y4 Girl
To this end, we have used our funding from the PE Premium to partially cover the costs involved in:
- accessing the Coastal Sport Partnership Programme
- purchase a range of sporting equipment
- providing outside coaching and expertise
- employing a specialist member of staff to coach both children and staff in developing the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes involved in a wide range of sports whilst actively promoting the school's participation and individual children's participation in sporting activities
In addition, to support and encourage our participation in sporting activities, the Governing Body agreed to support our programme with the provision of a school minibus.
Sports Premium Reviews
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