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St Andrew's CofE Primary School home page

St Andrew's C.E. Primary School

Enriching Lives


Welcome to the class pages for Nursery.  We use these pages to share news and pictures of our time in Nursery. 




Mrs Poppy, Miss Kingswood, Miss Cooke and Mrs Haskins are all part of our Nursery team. Mrs Poppy works all day Monday to Thursday. Miss Kingswood works Tuesday to Thursday afternoons and all day on a Friday. Miss Cooke works all day on a Monday and Friday and mornings, Tuesday to Thursday.  Mrs Haskins comes into Nursery on a Thursday morning to cover Mrs Poppy's planning time. 


Please can all children make sure they bring a named water bottle into Nursery on the days they attend (just plain water please). We will send it home with them at the end of the day and will always refill it during the day if required.


It is very helpful if all clothes are named and if spare clothes for your child are available in their bags. Most children prefer their own clothes to change into if they get wet during play.  We value the outdoor environment and spend time outdoors everyday. 


Please send your children with coats, hat and gloves in the cold weather and a sun hat during the warmer months.  Please could we remind parents and carers that children should have sun-cream applied before they come to Nursery in warmer weather.


We offer children an opportunity to borrow a book from our Nursery library to take home and share with their family or carers.  All children will be able to change their book on a weekly basis.


Autumn Term 1 - Knowledge Organiser - 'My Family.'

Autumn Term 2 - Knowledge Organiser - Castles

Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Term 2 - Christmas

Knowledge Organiser - Superheroes

Knowledge Organiser - Term 4 - Transport and Travel

Welcome to Nursery.