Y3 Expected Outcomes | Y3 Greater Depth Outcomes |
Word |
- I can use my existing knowledge to help myself read aloud (use knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes).
| - I can read most words independently, quickly and accurately.
- I am aware that some words sound different to how they are spelt
| - I know a greater number of words that sound different to how they are spelt.
Fluency |
- I can read most words quickly and accurately.
| - I can read most words independently, quickly and accurately..
- I will prepare and perform poems and play scripts (showing understanding through intonation, tone, volume and action).
| - I confidently perform poems and play scripts.
Comprehension |
- I have understood a range of texts I have read (including fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction, reference books, textbooks).
| - I can evaluate a range of texts I have read.
- I use a dictionary to check the meaning of words.
| - I use a dictionary more confidently to check the meaning of words and am beginning to use them in my own work.
- I can identify some themes in a range of books I read (including fairy stories, myths and legends, and retelling some of these orally).
| - I can identify and evaluate some themes in a range of books I read.
- I know that poetry comes in different forms.
| - I know that poetry comes in different forms and can compare different styles.
- I know a character does certain things because of how the character is feeling or what has happened to them in the story. GD
| - I know a character does certain things because of how the character is feeling or what has happened to them in the story and use evidence to support my ideas.
- I can predict events in stories from what has happened up to now.
| - I can predict events in stories more accurately from what has happened up to now.
- I can use non-fiction books to find information.
| - I can use non-fiction books to find information without adult help.