8. What support will there be for my child’s emotional and social well-being?
Pastoral and Social Support
- Teachers, Teaching Assistants and Midday Supervisors build strong relationships with children to support their emotional needs.
- We have an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant in school who supports children either on a 1:1 or within a small nurture group setting with their personal, social and emotional needs.
- We have a team of Student Wellbeing Champions who help to promote the importance of positive wellbeing and mental health throughout school.
- Some children in upper Key Stage 2 are Play Leaders and have been shown how to engage younger children in play during lunchtime breaks.
- PSHE / Circle time takes place in every class to promote speaking and listening, empathy, working together, turn taking and following rules.
- All child protection issues are reported to Mr Whalley (Head teacher).
Medical Needs
- If your child has specific medical needs then please contact either your child’s class teacher or the Additional Needs Leader so appropriate plans can be put into place.
- If necessary a ‘Health Care Plan’ can be written to inform all staff of the specific condition and what should be done to support the needs of the child.
- Staff training in the administration of support and / or medication.
Behavioural Needs (including attendance and exclusion)
- We have a clear behaviour policy which is adhered to by all staff.
- Should concerns arise, discussions with the child, their parents/carers, Class Teacher and/or Key Stage Leader, Assistant Headteacher, Additional Needs Leader will determine the type of support that may be offered.
- Pastoral support may be provided by the Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) or CASY Counselling Service to support the child’s behaviour in and beyond the classroom.
- If specific or repeated behavioural difficulties continue we will initiate support following the Lincolnshire Ladder of Behavioural Intervention.
- Advice may be sought from outside agencies; Educational Psychologist, Community Paediatrics, BOSS, Pupil Reintegration Team. A multi agency meeting (including all adults and agencies involved) may be arranged to discuss next steps to avoid exclusion).
- If concerns arise regarding your child’s attendance, an Education Welfare Officer (EWO) may be asked to become involved.