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St Andrew's CofE Primary School home page

St Andrew's C.E. Primary School

Enriching Lives

Miss Steele

Welcome to Class 1TS’s webpage.


We are a friendly group of Year 1 and Year 2 children who are very enthusiastic about our learning. Our class teacher is Miss Steele and our wonderful teaching assistant is Mrs Bone. On this page, we will endeavour to keep you up-to-date with news from our classroom. As always, if you have any questions, please speak to a member of our classroom team.

General Information


PE: Our PE session will be on a Friday - please could children arrive at school in their PE kit.


Our Belongings: Can parents and carers please make sure all their child's belongings are named, from gloves to water bottles and plimsolls! Your help in this is very much appreciated as our lost property box is often overflowing!


We ask that water bottles are taken home daily, washed, refilled (with still plain water only) and brought back the next day. In addition, the children can bring in a healthy snack for morning break.


Reading Y1: In-line with our Phonics programme, Essential Letters and Sounds, reading books will be changed on a Friday only. The books will be very closely linked to our Phonics learning in the classroom and, initially, will be totally decodable. Keeping the same book over the week will enable your child to read the book more than once - working initially on decoding, then fluency and finally, expression. We do ask for bookbags and pupil planners to be brought into school every day, as we read every morning and often there are letters and information that need to go home. 

Reading Y2: There is a daily guided reading session for Y2 children where a variety of texts will be read. Reading books will be changed twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays if they have been read at home. 

Please ensure that book bags are brought to school each day along with reading books as we quietly read each morning as we arrive at school.


Please note: If your child is being collected by someone else, we must have notification (either written or through telephoning the school). If you have any questions, please ask or make an appointment to see us.




Work at home


Reading: Children should read at home at least four times a week, preferably five times. if children read four times a week, they will be awarded 1 house point, if reading is completed more than four times a week, they will be awarded 2 house points. Parents and carers should sign planners each time their child reads in order to collect their house points. Planners will be checked on Fridays, and house points allocated accordingly. 


Maths Homework: Each week, the children will have a Maths task to complete online at home. These tasks will be linked to our learning in the classroom. Our Maths homework will now be set on 'MathShed' which is on the same website as 'Spelling Shed' and will be checked on Mondays. How to access 'MathShed' is on a sticker on the back of your child's planner along with 'Numbots' which is a fun activity. 


Spellings Y2: Each week, the children will have spellings to learn at home. These words will be linked to the 'Spelling Shed' programme which we follow daily in the classroom. Each word should be practised 4 times on the sheets provided or online on the  'Spelling Shed' webpage. Please make a note on the paper copy if your child is practising their spellings online. An optional extension task can also be completed. Spelling folders will be collected and checked on Fridays. 


Useful Resources:   - phase 3  - phase 2


Parents Guidance for Spelling Shed

Termly Information