Friday 5.2.21
Good morning everyone and happy Friday!
Today's focus is thinking about how we can express ourselves in a range of ways. We are all different and will find different creative ways to express ourselves. Remember, when we express ourselves we don’t have to be a great artist or a wonderful dancer. It’s not about being the very best at something or putting on a performance. Let’s encourage each other to find lots of different ways to get creative and express ourselves.
This morning's video clip feature a fabulous book, 'Beautitful Oops' by Barney Saltzberg.
Time to think and discuss:
After you have enjoyed the short video, talk with a grown up about what you think the message of the book was. Try to keep this message in mind next time you are making something and you think you've made a mistake. Can you turn it into something else?
Beautiful Oops by Barney Saltzberg