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St Andrew's C.E. Primary School

Enriching Lives

A School Day

Breakfast Club and After-School Club.


St Andrew's operates both a Breakfast Club and an After-School Club.  The Breakfast Club Operates from 7.30am in the morning until the children are transferred to the main school at 8.40am.  Children can arrive at any time between these times, but it is important that they come with a parent/carer.


Our After-School Club runs from 3.20pm through to 5.30pm.  The children are transferred from the main school building and may be collected by a parent/carer or designated person at any time up to 5pm


Further information can be found by clicking the link below:


Breakfast and After-School Club

The School Day in Brief


Our school day runs from 8.50am to 3.20pm which over the 5 days from Monday to Friday equates to 32.5hrs per week.




Children can arrive at school between 8.40am and 8.50am. We do ask that children do not arrive before this time and this is especially the case for older children who may be arriving at school on their own. At 8.40am, the children will be able to enter the school either by the KS2 door from the main playground (for all KS2 children) or directly via their classroom doors for all EYFS and KS1 children.  After 8.50am, children will only be allowed to enter the school through the school office.


During the morning session the children will have a 15 minute break.


Lunch Time


All children will receive a 60 minute lunch break between 12pm and 1.30pm.  This allows us to operate 3 sittings in the hall and allows for 30 minutes eating time and 30 minutes playtime.


Afternoon Session


The younger children in EYFS and KS1 will finish their morning at 12pm and start back in the afternoon at 1pm.  They will also have a second 15 minute break in the afternoon. 


The KS2 children finish their morning session at 12.30pm and start back at 1.30pm.


Our school day concludes at 3.20pm.