Additional Needs
Mrs Haskins - Additional Needs Leader
There are many different reasons why a child may have additional needs and therefore require extra help. Children who need support in an area are identified as early as possible and progress is monitored and reviewed regularly. Parents are involved and kept informed every step of the way, with special intervention programmes set up to support the child’s development. Within school, we have considerable experience and resources for helping children with additional needs. The 2014 Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years (updated in 2015) lies at the heart of the school’s Additional Needs Policy and sets out the processes and procedures that all organisations should follow to meet the needs of children.
Please use the following link to review relevant policies for:
We have provided some links to relevant sites - please click on the images below or the links at the bottom of the page. Please note that the school is not making any formal recommendations and the links are there for awareness only.
The British Dyslexia Association (BDA) is the voice of dyslexic people. We aim to influence government and other institutions to promote a dyslexia friendly society, that enables dyslexic people of all ages to reach their full potential. The BDA promotes early identification of specific learning difficulties (SpLD) and support in schools to ensure opportunity to learn for dyslexic learners. Click here for British Dyslexia Association
The National Autistic Society are the leading UK charity for people with autism (including Asperger syndrome) and their families. They provide information support and pioneering services and campaign for a better world for people with autism. Click here to view the National Autistic Society website.
The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service provide people-friendly information and resources about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to anyone who needs assistance - parents, sufferers, teachers or health professionals. Whatever you're looking for in ADHD, we'll do our best to help. Click here to view the ADDiSS website.
Family Lives is a charity with over three decades of experience helping parents to deal with the changes that are a constant part of family life. We know that many people play active roles in raising children, from dads and mums, grandparents, stepparents and non-resident parents. Our role is to support all of you to achieve the best relationship possible with the children that you care about, as well as supporting parenting professionals. We believe that happy children come from happy families and currently support families to improve the outcomes for over 1 million children each year. Click here to view the Family Lives website.