Admission - Nursery
The Nursery class is part of our successful and well established Early Years Department and is staffed by experienced Early Years staff. The children benefit from all the resources and expertise that, as a long established primary setting, we have to offer.
Children can begin in our Nursery class after their third birthday. We are able to offer both full and part time sessions as well as funded places. Funded hours can be taken in any format to suit, such as mornings, afternoons or full day sessions. We are also able to offer places in line with the extended 30 funded hours.
From 1st September 2024, our sessions will be charged at £6.00 per hour. Sessions will be bookable as follows:
8:45am - 11:45am £18.00
11:45am - 14:45pm £18.00
8:45am - 2:45pm £36.00
8:45am - 3:15pm £39.00
Nursery Funded Hours
Please be aware that your child will become eligible for 3-4 year old funding the long term after he/she turns 3.
Child's birthday When you can claim
1 January to 31 March The beginning of term on or after 1 April
1 April to 31 August The beginning of term on or after 1 September
1 September to 31 December The beginning of term on or after 1 January
If you are in receipt of 2 year old funding and your child has recently turned 3 they may not need to wait to get started with us. Please contact the school office to discuss this with us further.
Universal 15 Funded Hours
All 3 to 4 year olds in England can get 570 free hours per year. This is a maximum of 15 hours per standard week. The free early education and childcare must be with an approved childcare provider, and stops when your child starts in reception class.
You can claim funding from the long term after your child's 3rd birthday.
You must complete an Annual Parent Declaration Form in order to claim your funding. It is your responsibility to complete the Parent Declaration Form and if the number of funded hours you wish to claim changes, you must amend your form, re-sign it and log the date that the change happened. We are happy to assist you with the completion of the form. It is the childcare providers responsibility to keep a record of this paperwork, as we are subject to audit through Lincolnshire County Council.
30 Funded Hours Nursery Provision
If you wish to access the additional 15 funded hours (30 total) Nursery provision at St. Andrew's, you will need to apply for an eligibility code via the Childcare Choices government website.
Once you receive your eligibility code you will need to complete the '30 Hours Funding Form' below, along side your standard 'Parent Declaration Form', and return it to the school office so we can confirm your eligibility.
For more information on Government funding for nursery age children visit Childcare choices
Register for a place
If you would like register your child for a place in our nursery class please complete an Expression of Interest form and return it to the School office. If you have any questions please feel free to email us at
You will also find our admissions pack below. Once completed this should be returned to the school office with a copy of your child's birth certificate. We will need this before they can start with us.
(Please note that all forms and communication should be made to St Andrew's C.E. Primary School and not Lincolnshire County Council.)
Placing your booking
Once we have received a completed admissions pack, a member of the nursery staff will contact you prior to your child's start date to organise a visit and discuss any settling in sessions your child may require. Once you have spoken to a member of staff and your child has taken their free settling in sessions with us, you may wish to place a booking for the term.
St. Andrew's Nursery sessions are bookable online via our booking system, Kids Club HQ. Please follow the link below to set up your online account, and place your booking. Once your booking has been made, we will apply any funded hours (if applicable).
Nursery children are also able to attend our Breakfast Club which starts from 7:30am and is priced at £5.00 per session. Sessions are bookable through our online booking system Kids Club HQ, the same as your child's nursery sessions.