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St Andrew's CofE Primary School home page

St Andrew's C.E. Primary School

Enriching Lives

Admission - School

All schools are required to consult on their Admission Policies at regular intervals.  In 2021/22, the school completed its legal requirement to consult on its Admission Policy for 2023. Only one response was received to the consultation exercise which supported the changes and therefore the revised policy has been approved by the Governing Body. 

When your child should start school


Date of Birth

   Start School         

Apply Between                
1 Sept 2019 to 31 Aug 2020    Sept 2024Sept 2023 - Jan 2024
1 Sept 2020 to 31 Aug 2021   Sept 2025Sept 2024 - Jan 2025
1 Sept 2021 to 31 Aug 2022   Sept 2026Sept 2025 - Jan 2026

Reception Admissions September 2024


Children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 are due to start Reception in September 2024.


Apply for a place


Online admissions open 15 November 2023.


Online admissions close 12 noon 15 January 2024.


View your offered school online from 17 April 2024.


For more information on applying for your child's school place, please visit Lincolnshire County Council's admissions webpage.


Please follow the link below to view pages which may be if interest:



Things to do before you Apply Online


Before applying online for a school place we would advise you to view the Lincolnshire School Admissions Website and our own Admission Policy. We would also strongly encourage you to arrange an appointment for a tour of the school. We hold an open day for prospective parents during the autumn term, but would be happy to meet with any prospective parents at alternate times.

Apply Online for a School Place


The Lincolnshire online admissions system is available for parents and carers who would like to apply for a school place for a child starting in Reception. If you need to apply for another year group please contact us,  first and we will be happy to advise you. You will then need to make an online application for a Mid Year School Place.


Please note, you can only apply for a place through the Lincolnshire County Council website if you live in Lincolnshire. If you live in another county, you will need to contact your home local authority.  Please note that, if your child already has a statement of special educational needs you cannot apply online for a school place. You will need to contact your child’s named officer.  However, please feel free to contact us for advice.



Unfortunately, St Andrew's may not always be able to meet all parental requests for a place.


For admission into the Reception year, St Andrew’s C.E. Primary School will operate a reserve list. In the normal admissions round if we refuse a place at our school, your child is automatically placed on the reserve list, unless you have been offered a higher preference school.  This list is kept in the order of the oversubscription criteria, as required by the school admissions code.


Children can move up and down the list depending on where the other children are ranked against the oversubscription criteria. The school will not take account of the time you have been on the list when allocating places. For the intake year, the list is held by the Local Authority School Admissions Team until the end of August. After this, the school keeps this list until (December 31st of the admitting year). After this date, this list is cancelled and parents wishing to remain on this list must contact the school for more information.



Where a place is refused, parents/carers will be informed of their right of appeal by the Local Authority.   At St Andrew's this process would be managed by Lincolnshire County Legal Team who would ensure that a minimum of 10 days notice would be given of a hearing and a decision letter would be sent out within 5 days of the hearing whenever possible.


The appropriate appeal form is available below.

Hungry Little Minds Campaign

Please find below a link to the Government's Hungry Little Minds website full of simple, fun activities for newborns to five year olds.