Woodhall Wapentake Article December 2023
On Sunday 12 November, our 4 School Ambassadors attended the Service of Remembrance at St Peter’s Church and proudly carried the School Standard and Friends of 617 Squadron Association Standard, as part of the Woodhall Spa Remembrance Parade. A big thank the children for representing the school at this important community event and laying 2 wreaths on behalf of the school.
The St Andrew’s School Council have held their first meeting of the academic year, at which they debated and voted on how to support the BBC Children in Need Appeal this year. As well as a non-uniform day on Friday 17 November, the School Council decided to run a ‘Create a Menu for Pudsey’ competition for the whole school. A menu template was sent out and children were invited to design a healthy lunch for a very busy Pudsey to enjoy on Children in Need Day. We had some fantastic entries showcasing some wonderfully creative healthy food and drink choices and beautifully decorated menus (see photo of an entry from one of our Reception children). Congratulations to our winners in each year group category who received some fabulous Children in Need prizes and well done to everyone who took part.
Meanwhile, children who attend our Breakfast and Afterschool Clubs have been very busy painting a train which will take pride of place as part of the Woodhall Spa Christmas display in the Millennium Garden. All the children who attend Breakfast and Afterschool Club at St Andrew’s have taken part in decorating the train and they have done an amazing job – even our nursery pupils who attend Breakfast Club have got involved and used their thumbprints to paint baubles on the Christmas trees which feature on the train. The train will be adorned with lights and we are very much looking forward to seeing it all lit up and on show. The children and staff have really enjoyed planning and painting the train and the school would like to thank the Woodhall Spa Rotary Club for inviting our children to get involved with this wonderful project.